Tuinvogels voeren in de winter

Feeding garden birds in winter

Feeding Garden Birds in Winter: Loving Care for Blue Tits and Robins


Winter brings cold temperatures and a scarcity of food sources for wild birds. For us, nature and bird lovers, it is a wonderful opportunity to give something back. Feeding garden birds in winter not only helps these small animals survive, but also brings life and colour to our gardens. In this blog, we have specifically focused on the care of two charming winter guests: the great tit and the robin .

Why Feed Garden Birds in Winter?

During the winter, food is scarce for birds. Snowy and frozen landscapes make it difficult to find insects, seeds and other food. By feeding birds:

  • We provide a much-needed energy boost to help you get through the cold days.
  • Do we maintain bird populations by supporting them in difficult times?
  • We ourselves enjoy the company of garden birds , which brings peace and joy.

This is how you ensure that your garden becomes a safe and attractive place for garden birds in winter.

The Great Tit: A Colorful Company

With its striking yellow breast and black head, the great tit (Parus major) is a cheerful sight in any garden. This small, active bird is constantly on the move, hopping from branch to branch.

What to feed great tits and blue tits?

Great tits are true omnivores and like a varied diet:

  • Seed mix: Mixes of sunflower seeds, hemp seeds and pine nuts are favorites.
  • Mealworms: This protein-rich snack is perfect for great tits.
  • Fat balls: Fat balls processed with seeds and nuts provide great tits with the energy they need to brave the cold.

Use high-quality products to attract great tits to your garden and keep them healthy.

The Robin: A Winter Friend

The robin (Erithacus rubecula) with its characteristic orange breast is a beloved appearance in the garden, especially in winter. Its curious and tame nature makes it a special guest.

What to feed robins?

Robins have a varied diet and like:

  • Dried mealworms: A tasty source of protein.
  • Fruit: Pieces of apple, pear or raisins provide variety.
  • Seed mix: Robins also enjoy sunflower seeds and pine nuts.

With the right food, you can not only dress robins, but also help them get through the winter.

Tips for Feeding Garden Birds

  1. Protect from roof animals: Place bird feeders in a safe place, out of reach of cats.
  2. Keep it clean: Prevent disease by regularly removing old food scraps and cleaning the bird feeder.
  3. Provide fresh water: Place a shallow bowl of fresh water so birds can drink even in winter.


Feeding garden birds in winter is not only an act of kindness, but also a chance to enjoy nature. By feeding birds such as the great tit and the robin

, we contribute to their survival and the biodiversity in our environment. Let us together transform our gardens into a bird-friendly oasis and enjoy the liveliness they bring, even on the coldest winter days.

  • Feeding garden birds
  • Feeding coal tits
  • Feeding robins
  • Feeding birds in winter
  • Feeding winter garden birds

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